We are committed to assisting our customers create and preserve wealth and value by consistently delivering to them excellent financial guidance, hence upscale our strategic focus in partnership, speed, flexibility, timely communication and consumer sovereignty. We work to identify client specific needs, prescribe solutions for value increase and customize transactions to suit their identified needs. Principal Capital is incorporated under company act 2019 (Act 992) and licensed and regulated by The Bank of Ghana with its head office located at House No. 46 Anum Tessa Avenue Adjiringanor, East Legon, Accra-Ghana Health link road -200 metres away from puma filling station. P.O. Box CT 9878 Cantonments, Accra


On behalf of the managment and staff of principal capital, I extend to you a hearty welcome to our website

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Strategic Areas of Focus/Competitive Advantage

To have the most significant impact on our clients and other stakeholders, we maximize our efforts on those areas of greatest strengths snd depth. Listed below are the (5) strategic areas of focus for our institution with supporting strategic scope.
  • Partnership

  • Speed,

  • Timely

  • Consumer

  • Loan/Borrowings

  • Investment

Principal Capital Microfinance